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Vietsub #1 Sakura server
Vietsub #1 Nozomi server

Xem phim The Recon Vietsub

The Recon (2021)

An education officer who was dispatched died after a gunshot went off in the dead of night. At the same time, deserters flee to the DMZ in the access control zone, and the 3rd platoon is urgently deployed to the DMZ search operation. There, the crew sees an unidentified soldier, not a deserter or a search crew.

Để cải thiện chất lượng và nâng cao trải nghiệm cho người dùng. Nếu bạn phát hiện lỗi phim xin vui lòng báo lỗi để quản trị viên có thể khắc phục sớm nhất.
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